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Interim Check Out
Information regarding an Interim Check Out:
In the event that one of the tenants leaves and a new tenant move in, the deposit must be settled in the meantime.
To prevent the current (and new) tenant from having to hold responsible for the amounts to be deducted from the deposit caused by the leaving tenant, an interim Check Out must take place.
Landlord pays the deposit back to tenant when there are no debts, the inventory is complete and there are no damages in the rented.
There are 2 options for an interim Check Out
Option 1
arrange the deposit themselves:
New tenant pays part of the deposit to the current tenant and current tenant pays part of the deposit back to the leaving tenant or new tenant pays his part of the deposit to leaving tenant.
New tenant replaces herewith leaving tenant on the existing Inspection Report and Inventory List.
No fees
Option 2:
does an interim Check Out with a current tenant. Landlord settles the deposit
with current tenant.
makes a new Inventory List and Inspection Report with current and new tenant. Current
tenant and new tenant transfer the full deposit to the landlord.
The fee for interim Check Out is € 150,00 (+ VAT)