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Rental agreement
To introduce prospective tenants and to prepare the rental agreement, we need the following information:
Basic information of the prospective tenant:
A short personal introduction, e.g. what your profession is, link to Linkedin profile, what your hobbies are, when you want to move in and for how long, with whom you will live in the apartment, and whether you have pets.
Name (first and last name)
Contact details (telephone number and email address)
Copy of ID (Social Security Number may be obscured)
Employment contract(s) and/or employer statement(s)
Proof of income (salary specification + recent bank statements showing the net salary)
IBAN number and name from which the rent will be paid
Optional: a landlord statement.
The following applies to students:
Instead of an employment contract and salary slips, the prospective tenant can provide the following information:
Proof of registration for the relevant academic year
Proof of student financing
Contact details of guarantor (telephone number and email address).
The following applies to entrepreneurs:
Instead of an employment contract and salary slips, the prospective tenant can provide the following information:
Extract from the Chamber of Commerce
Proof of income (sent invoices + recent bank statements showing the amount invoiced or recent annual accounts).
KKAmsterdam works in accordance with the Protocol for Allocation of Rental Properties to Prospective Tenants. This protocol can be found here: Protocol for allocation of rental properties to prospective tenants.