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Information regarding the check-out
Tenants must leave the rented property clean and tidy at the check-out.
1. State of the rented object at the check-out
We mean the following with leaving the rented property tidy and clean:
- The floors have been vacuumed and mopped;
- Sofas / sofa beds and beds have been vacuumed and dusted;
- Cobwebs have been removed;
- Cabinets / shelves have been cleaned;
- Lime and mold in the bathroom and / or kitchen have been removed. In this respect check the ceilings, floors, tiles, water taps and the shower head;
- The toilet has been cleaned. The toilet bowl and the toilet seat must be visibly clean;
- The detergent compartment, the rubber around the door and the glass of the washing machine have been cleaned;
- The water tank from the tumble dryer has been emptied and the filter has been cleaned;
- The apartment has been aired;
- The bedlinnen has been washed and folded (no need to make the bed);
- The fridge / freezer has been cleaned and defrosted;
- Extractor hood has been cleaned;
- Rugs have been cleaned (if applicable);
- Windows have been cleaned, inside and outside (if possible);
- Remove items like garbage and empty botttles.
This list is non-exhaustive. It is solely meant as a guideline for tenants when checking the apartment before the scheduled check-out.
2. The final cleaning
We hold a high standard when it comes to cleaning. We make sure each tenant enters a clean fresh home at the check-in. All apartments will be cleaned after a check-out. The minimum amount is 4 hours of cleaning - this seems to be a lot but take into account that all drawers, kitchen cabinets and windows will be cleaned. In our experience a minimum of 4 hours is needed if the apartment is left in a good condition. Depending on how the apartment is left, the hours for additional cleaning may increase. The costs for additional cleaning will be deducted from the deposit.
Including cleaning material and products.
An invoice for the cleaning services will be provided to the tenant.
3. Other important matters to arrange before the check-out
When the rental agreement comes to an end we will schedule a check-out with you. The following is important for you to remember:
- Inform the utility companies where you have your gas and electricity contract that you are about to move out of the address for which these contracts are set up. We note the meter readings of the gas and electricity meter during the check-out. Please provide these meter readings to the utility company after the check-out.
- Inform Waternet that you are about to move out. We note the meter reading of the water meter during the check-out. Please provide this meter reading to Waternet after the check-out.
- In general TV & internet subscriptions must be canceled 1 month in advance. Do not forget to return the modem which you have received.
- If applicable, please inform us about any damage to the rented property where we should be aware of.
- All keys must be returned at the check-out. After the check-out it is no longer possible to stay in the rented property nor to come back.
- When you rented a furnished property, all furniture must be present at the property and be placed on the places where they were at the time of the check-in.
- Stored items must be put back in the property, unless otherwise agreed with the landlord. If such agreements have been made with the landlord, please inform us about them in advance.
- All light bulbs and halogen lamps must be in working condition. In this respect think of the floor lamps and ceiling lights, and do not forget the lights in the refrigerator and the extraction hood.
- Deregister at the Municipality within 5 working days after the check-out.
- Arrange your mail will be forwarded to your new address. please check for help the following link : www.postnl.nl/ontvangen/doorsturen-en-bewaren/verhuisservice/#s_7799