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To all owners:
To all owners:
You want to rent your house because you go temporarily abroad for your work or you want to rent temporarily your apartment temporarily because you have purchased a new apartment and it is difficult to sell the apartment where you currently live or You don’t want double ( mortgage) charges or maybe you want to buy an apartment or as an investment?!.
All excellent reasons for temporary rental. KKamsterdam rents (in principle) objects for 12 months.
Rent your home without any care via a professional party with years of experience in Amsterdam and invite us completely free of obligation for an informative meeting. During this meeting, we will inform you in detail about renting out and what all that involves.
We will discuss what a market-based rental price is, a reasonable letting period, about the ‘woonwaarderingsysteem’ system in the netherlands, what KKamsterdam can do for you, with which KKamsterdam distinguishes itself from colleques, our brokerage fee, and what if tenants do not want to leave the house or do not pay or when a cannabis plantation is found and whether you have to pass on the income to the tax etc etc etc. You probably also have a list of questions yourself.
Interested: Please make an appointment for an appointment without obligation?
Call 06-11149099 or mail klaas@kkamsterdam.nl